Friday Market, Paris

Every Friday morning, I go to the market in my area to shop for the whole week. Fresh food only!

Farmers Market

I have my favourite market farmer, it is a family who grow their own vegetables right outside Paris. I am happy to buy good quality seasonal vegetables.

Farmers Market

The best cheesemaker, who also sells fresh eggs and yogurt, loves to tell the story behind every cheese.

I love the apple seller, an old sweet woman who sells apples all year long. Trust her, she will choose the best apples mix for you to make an apple compote.

I buy fish or meat alternatively, excellent quality of product.

Farmers Market

The vendors love and respect their work, and I am happy to support them and eat good food.

I always end up going to the flower seller, to add a bit of colour to my house. At the moment it is Peony season!

Farmers Market

And before I leave, I get my warm manouche at the Lebanese stall!

It is almost like a ritual, we meet every week , we chat, we laugh, we exchange, so why would I go to the supermarket?

Deborah Difiore

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