Growing Up As A Brand

It’s been 7 years since we started our project, ecru, creating things we love.

As we develop so does our aesthetic and therefore the pieces we create. It happens organically, every year our character grows, it ages, happily.

We wanted that growth to be represented in our branding specifically the synthesis of our personal life styles and Middle Eastern culture. A fused aesthetic, bold and varied.

We couldn’t have thought of a better outfit to tackle this than Storm Studio. Nour & Charles were able to curate and define ecru in a way that has allowed us to take that extra step up, to understand who we are better, and more importantly how to relay that to you.

For that we are eternally grateful.

Here’s a closer look at our recent rebranding.

The 4 letters and the 8 points star. The star represents ecru as a symbol, it is also a current item and print in ecru’s signature collection. ecru designs lifestyle goods and homeware with a contemporary yet timeless take on an Arab culture of hospitality through a conscious approach.

The e and the eight points star create together the symbol of the new ecru branding. The e works as a reminder of the Arab origins and influence of the brand. If reversed it will read as a و referring at the Arabic letter woaw of the word ecru.

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