Shweta Sharma the Gift of Intimate Beauty

Shweta Betty is a Freelance Fashion Editor & Costumier based in Bombay. More specifically in our favorite area of Bombay, Bandra. Bandra is in the north of Bombay. It is on the sea, has adorable lanes lined with old bungalows, Aunties chatting on benches, balloon vendors walking around with their bikes, cats napping under coconut trees. This is where you will find Shweta Betty.

Her universe, and her color palette are very personal, intimate . The stages she creates are poetic, with a strong sense of aesthetic that uplift the reality of day to day life . She represents for us this precious value we try to encourage with ecru: integrate beauty in our everyday life through rituals and lifestyle.

Follow Shweta Betty’s Instagram.

Shop Shweta’s Mask Rafia Earrings and Lime Green Maki Jacket

(Images courtesy of Shweta Sharma)

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