Artichoke Risotto

Join us on the last day of our voyage. We travel to Tuscany with Livio’s Artichoke Risotto. Livio learned everything about cooking from his Italian mother.

Artichoke Risotto

Ingredients for 6 people

5 to 6 small artichokes

3 cloves garlic

2 onions

olive oil

salt and pepper

arborio rice

bouquet garni

1 carrot

1 leek

1 cube vegetarian stock

1 cube beef stock

50g salted butter

100g parmesan

Prepare the artichokes

Sauté the sliced artichokes in 1 tbs spoon of olive oil, 3 finely chopped garlic cloves, salt and pepper.

Once cooked, reserve it.

Make the bouillon for the risotto

Add 1.5 liter of water to a pot with:

bouquet garni (a bundle of aromatic herbs)

1 onion, chopped in half

1 carrot, roughly chopped

1/2 leek, roughly chopped

1 cube vegetarian stock

1 cube beef stock

Bring to boil and let it boil about 30 min

Make the risotto

Finely chop 1 onion and add it to a deep pan with olive oil and cook it until very lightly golden.

Add the rice (70g per person) so today about 450g to the pan and stir 2min on a medium flame until the rice absorbs the oil.

On a low flame, slowly add the bouillon, 1 glass at a time, and stir continuously. Never let it dry.

After 15/20min taste your rice, it should be al dente.

The texture should be creamy, not watery. Add more bouillon if necessary.

Add the artichoke.

Stop the flame.

Add 50g of salted butter and 100g of ptarmigan, stir and cover for 5min.

Enjoy Ragazzi!

(Images and recipe courtesy of Livio Delesgues)

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